
The trustees work a lot like the governing body in a maintained school. They are responsible for setting the direction of the organisation, holding the executive team to account and making sure that the finances of the Trust are managed responsibly.

In an Academy Trust, the trustees must also ensure that they are complying with charity law and, as company directors of the charitable company, must meet company law requirements.

Like members, we are required to publish information about our trustees, their attendance at meetings and any business or other pecuniary interests they may have. You can download a copy of this information from the link below.

Trustees Declarations 2023

Trustee Attendance


Details of Trustees:


Name of Trustee Appointment Details Appointed By
Mr Rob Hall 1 August 2014 - present Members; Chair of Trustees
Ms Alison Latham 1 August 2014 - present Members
Mrs Elizabeth Fairhurst 1 September 2016 - 31 May 2024 Ex-Officio
Dr Bruce McDowell 24 November 2021 - present Trustees
Mr Simon Fox 23 September 2020 - 29 May 2024 Trustees
Mr Stephen Groves 17 May 2017 - present Members; Vice Chair
Mr Kevin Guy 18 June 2020 - present  Trustees
Mrs Elizabeth Hayden 12 September 2018 - 30 November 2023 Trustees
Mrs Nina Wrightson 2 October 2020 - present Trustees